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After the release of my book The Flow, myself, Ben and Stu from The Modern Man began receiving requests from guys to take them out into bars and clubs and show them how to approach and naturally attract women. We did this every weekend for approximately 3.5 years and it lead to the development of additional techniques, mindsets and lessons that we could pass onto other guys.
I still remember the moment I first addressed the audience as Dan Bacon from The Modern Man. I knew, right then and there, that this what exactly what I was supposed to be doing with my life. Before I had improved my confidence and abilities with women, I was a socially anxious guy who would become extremely nervous and tense if I had to speak in front of any number of people. My heart would be beating a million miles per hour. Yet, when I opened up the seminar for The Modern Man, my heart was at peace. I was completely calm and relaxed. My journey up until that point had transformed me into a confident guy and now I was simply sharing that with others.
The photos above are from the first ever seminar we held as The Modern Man. The fundamentals of what we’ve taught have remained the same all the way through, so some of the topics that were covered at this seminar included:
- Being an authentic man.
- Building true confidence.
- Understanding women.
- Approaching women in a natural way.
- Naturally attracting women.
- Being more masculine.
- Having a more interesting and appealing personality.
- Becoming clear on what you want from this area of your life.
Over the years, we improved our ability to articulate these messages so that any guy, regardless of his experience level with women and relationships, could “hit the ground running” and use the advice immediately. The end result of the years of seminars we held was Dating Power, which is now available to download or watch online. It is 8 hours of jam-packed video filled with our best techniques for helping guys achieve success with women and gain control over that part of their life.